Monday, March 21, 2011

Melrose Blvd Gets Invaded.

Space Invader, one of the pioneers of the street art world has pasted himself into LA street art history. He has pieces all over the world. Space Invader has started his work in France where he resides. I really appreciate street artist who travel the world to share their passion. This piece on Melrose Blvd has been here for some time but it never ceases to catch my attention every time I pass it.
 At the time of this picture perfectly displays "Street Art vs Graffiti". As you can notice someone took the time to find a way up there a tag something under this piece. At least the piece wasn't tagged over. So take a stroll down Melrose Blvd, this Space Invader piece is not hard to miss. Click HERE to find it. ENJOY.
I like how Space Invader created this piece color coordinated to the building its located on.

I love Space Invader pieces. He has such great placement of his pieces.
"Space Invader vs Graffiti"

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