Monday, March 21, 2011

"Open Your Eyes" says JR

JR, another great street artist hailing from France has shown the street art world that he is here and wants to be seen. His pieces are larger then life size. With some pieces covering whole buildings to pieces that expand over a couple hundred feet. JR really took street art and blew it up. His placement of his pieces are very outgoing are want to be seen. To see his work in Los Angeles is a truly an experience. As you can see his pieces speak for themselves. The meanings are usually obvious and blunt.
Can you just imagine putting up this piece ? haha crazy.
 If you would like to find this JR piece click HERE. It is located in Downtown LA and cannot be missed. ENJOY.

We Need to "Free Humanity"

An uprising street artist, Free Humanity is making his mark in the street art world. His pieces all over Los Angeles. While he does experiment with all types of street art, the majority of his pieces are wheat pasted.  His pieces usually have words that have a specific meaning. Above all his alias, "Free Humanity" speaks for itself. This combo piece caught my attention as there are Star Wars characters used in this combo piece and I am a huge fan of Star Wars. This piece can be found by clicking HERE. This is located right by LACMA. ENJOY.

"I'm Sorry for the Deaths of the Innocent but that happens in War"



Melrose Blvd Gets Invaded.

Space Invader, one of the pioneers of the street art world has pasted himself into LA street art history. He has pieces all over the world. Space Invader has started his work in France where he resides. I really appreciate street artist who travel the world to share their passion. This piece on Melrose Blvd has been here for some time but it never ceases to catch my attention every time I pass it.
 At the time of this picture perfectly displays "Street Art vs Graffiti". As you can notice someone took the time to find a way up there a tag something under this piece. At least the piece wasn't tagged over. So take a stroll down Melrose Blvd, this Space Invader piece is not hard to miss. Click HERE to find it. ENJOY.
I like how Space Invader created this piece color coordinated to the building its located on.

I love Space Invader pieces. He has such great placement of his pieces.
"Space Invader vs Graffiti"

Accountability? Held Accountable on Melrose Blvd.

Every time I roll through Melrose Blvd, there seems to be a new piece put up by street art veterans to upcoming street artist. If you interested in seeing all types of street art from stencils, to wheat paste, to stickers, or just spray paint, you can take a stroll through Melrose Blvd and will  probably notice something you will admire. I have noticed many upcoming street artist on Melrose Blvd but one that sticks out to me is Accountability?. I like his style of work and the details he puts into his pieces. You would really have to see his pieces in person to truly appreciate it. This piece I found is my favorite so far from Accountability?. I don't think this pieces sucks. To find this piece click HERE. ENJOY
This piece to me has a deep meaning. It shows that there are people out there living by recycling cans just to survive.(hence the cans in the backpack) Life in Los Angeles is not all glamour,movie stars, and being successful in life. There are so many people out in LA that are barely making ends meet and is doing whatever it takes to survive,
I love the addition of the colorful 3-D looking cans.

Banksy is Here to Stay in Los Angeles

In the recent past weeks, Banksy, the worlds most well known street artist blesses Los Angeles with some of his best work. His recent visit to Los Angeles was due to his nomination for an Oscar for his documentary "Exit Through the Gift Shop". Banksy came to Los Angeles to put up some new work and to create a buzz letting people know that he is in LA and might actually show up to the Oscars. A lot of people were wondering if the elusive Banksy would actually show. In the end, his documentary did not win and no show of Banksy but he made his presence know by his art and it was a pleasure witness his work up close and personal. Here are some pictures of his recent work. If you would like to go on your own treasure hunt to find these Banksy pieces click HERE to find a map for them.There was a total of seven pieces but five of them either got tagged over and sold or even both, so hurry up and get up and ENJOY !

Banksy:DTLA:2011 "Crayon House Foreclosure"
This piece to me means what a lot of people in Los Angles are experiencing, which is the loss of their homes due to foreclosure.  This piece specifically to me represents a girl coming home from school (hence the backpack) and a guy locking up her home's door.(This piece is protected by a layer of plexiglass.)

Banksy:DTLA:2011 "Crayon House Foreclosure" 

Banksy:DTLA, CA:2011 "Crayon House Foreclosure" 
Banksy:DTLA, CA:2011 "Crayon House Foreclosure" 
Banksy:Century City/Beverly Hills, CA:2011 "Banksy is Top Dog"
This piece might have several opinions of what it means. To me it can represent that one, Banksy is from Britain and the British Bulldog represent wheres he's from,  and two,  that he's the biggest name in the street art world and he's claiming his territory and showing that he's here to stay in LA. Another way you can look at this piece is the rise and fall of our economy and finally the economy just falling off. (This piece has a 24 hour on duty security guard)
Banksy:Century City/Beverly Hills, CA:2011 "Banksy is Top Dog"
Banksy:Century City/Beverly Hills, CA:2011 "Banksy is Top Dog"
Banksy:Century City/Beverly Hills, CA:2011 "Banksy is Top Dog"
Banksy:Westwood, CA:2011 "Crayola Shooter"
This Banksy piece here represents to me that there are many children in third worlds that are in the midst of war and are carrying guns to survive, instead they should be in out playing, drawing with crayons(hence the bullets are crayons) in school etc. (This piece is now buffed out and painted over)
Banksy:Westwood, CA:2011 "Crayola Shooter"
Banksy:Westwood, CA:2011 "Crayola Shooter"

Banksy:Westwood, CA:2011 "Crayola Shooter"
Banksy:PCH, CA:2011:"This Looks A Bit Like An Elephant"
This piece to me doesn't really have a specific meaning. I think Banksy was trying to show that most people don't take the time to look at the obvious around them and that once in a while people need to stop and witness the small things in life.
 (This piece was removed and sold)
Banksy:PCH, CA:2011:"This Looks A Bit Like An Elephant"
Banksy:PCH, CA:2011:"This Looks A Bit Like An Elephant"
Banksy:DTLA:2010 "Park Girl"
(This piece was put up sometime in April 2010 in promotion to his documentary coming out in theaters.)
I like this piece a lot. It's placement is in the heart of Downtown Los Angeles(AKA "Concrete Jungle") where there are no parks to be found. To me it shows that no matter where you are you gotta find time to play.
Banksy:DTLA:2010 "Park Girl"
Banksy:DTLA:2010 "Park Girl"